Sunday, February 17, 2008

Diamond Fantasy

Yesterday dh and I went on a Valentine's Day outing. Both teenagers were at work (McDonald's) so we had the whole afternoon to ourselves and already had plans to have a date night.

We began by picking up prescriptions at Safeway pharmacy... yay! It wasn't too bad, I brought my cardigan to knit on so the waiting time was enjoyable, dh and me chatting while my fingers flew - gotta love stockinette sometimes.

Then I'd had a whim to visit Chinatown so we headed off there. It ended up to be a lovely long walk in that very colourful area of town. We picked up some great bargains in produce.

We had planned to go for dinner and a movie but it was still way to early when we left Chinatown so I mentioned that I wanted to visit a yarn store. Dh, supportive as ever, said sure. So I headed off to one I hadn't visited before - Homecraft Importers. But, we hit a huge traffic snarl and never got there. We backtracked and found ourselves on Main Street. Guess what's on Main Street? You've got it - Three Bags Full, my favourite lys.

Dh wished me fun while he let the seat back and had a little nap. I found some lovely yarn - Silky Wool by Elsebeth Lavold. I decided to do another project by Sivia Harding. I chose the Diamond Fantasy Scarf. Lovely lace. I chose a dark orange-red colour of the yarn.

Here's a photo of the Diamond Fantasy lace - I borrowed it from Sivia Harding's website:

Today I visited Bead Works in Newport Village and found some beads to place in the centre of the diamonds. I've done beads before but not in lace, only in ribbing. I'm going to love the challenge.

Oops, sorry, I digress. Back to what we did yesterday:

After the yarn store we went to see Jumper. We actually wanted to see Juno but we didn't actually check what time it started. When we got to the theatre the only thing starting in our time frame that we had any desire to see was Jumper. It was disappointing. A cool idea but there were many holes in the story. And, it didn't end that well.

After the movie we went to White Spot for dinner. I had their Tandoori Chicken Rice Bowl. Not bad at all.

Dh and I had a good time together and have decided to make more frequent plans to spend time together like this.

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