I didn't make it to the Coquitlam Spinners' and Weavers' open house. I got busy with editing my newsletter and didn't have time. Heidi couldn't come either. But, the newsletter's well under way, now.
I'm doing well on my felted bags for Christmas presents. I think I have just one more to knit. Then on with the felting. They're going so well that I began thinking what I could do for the male members of my extended family. There are five women other than myself who usually get together for our Christmas celebration. There are also five men other than my husband. Could I knit something for them as well? Hmmm.
It can't want something that will take a long time and I don't know definite sizes. It'll have to be a hat or a scarf, I guess. Something quick. I think hats. I had a quick look through Ravelry and found two options:

Bulky Ribbed Hat by Shirleyknits
Hot Head by Alex Zorn from Stitch 'N Bitch, A Knitter's Handbook
I'll go to the library to get the S&B book - if it's knit flat and then sewn together I don't want it. I want something knit in the round. Then I'll choose the first one. I guess it will be acrylic this time as well. Can't trust those menfolk to do the hand-wash, lay flat to dry thing.
Do you know, I'd better not leave my husband, son and daughter out of this. I'd already planned a felted bag for my daughter. She has her eye on the 'furry' one, I think. She'll get that. I'll make my husband and son a hat each as well. I think I can keep it a secret. I'll be knitting so much they won't know whose is whose. Chortle, Chortle.