Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ravelry Get-Together

Today 7 knitters from the Terminal City Yarn Wranglers Ravelry group got together at Grinds coffee shop in Vancouver on Main Street and King Edward. This is the second meeting that we've had. Today there were myself, Louisa, Lola, Tammy, Lauren, Beth and another whose name I didn't get - sorry, that hearing thing again. I don't know if the others have blogs.

We chatted and munched and sipped and knit and made a field trip to Three Bags Full (which was very busy). We've pretty well decided to keep the get togethers going, probably every two weeks. We may bring some spinning along next time - drop spindles and spinning wheels. OOOoooOOOh.

I started my last felted bag while I was there - pretty soon it's on to the hats! I chose the chunky ribbed hat by shirleyknits.

Technical blogging note - why can't I get my paragraph breaks to work? I've been trying to put a blank line between them (see last post) and it won't work for the most part.

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