Saturday, November 3, 2007

And So We Start

Blogging - it's been on my mind for a while.

I've been reading blogs (mainly knitting blogs) and have been thoroughly entertained. And yes, I guess I have to admit I've become addicted to some. I fancy myself a bit of a writer (one who doesn't write, though, so it may be self-defeating). Could I? Would I? Should I? Well, let's see where this takes me.

Knitting - I began knitting when I was young. I was self taught from a book, which means I didn't learn everything I needed. There was no one to help me along and I wasn't hooked. Speaking of being hooked I tried crochet as well and was less than enthralled. I did a little knitting through my teens and early twenties and then didn't have anything to do with it for years. And years. And years. (I know I'm dating myself but there you go).

A while back I realized I hadn
't done anything 'crafty' for a year and a half. A while longer passed and it was two years. My fingers were definitely feeling an itch to do something. I read a small newspaper article about a lys (local yarn store) and that was enough. I visited, I bought, I knat-great word, Rabbitch (see if you can guess whose blogs I read).

I found a community of knitters that hadn't been there for me before. The internet makes it possible. Ravelry - oooh! If you're on Ravelry look me up - MarinaB. Facebook - I only use it to play scrabble with a friend. I found people who knit among those I know already and from the internet. I'm trying to meet them and share the knitting 'thang'.

So let me try to put a picture in here. I'll show you of what I'm (sort of) making for Christmas gifts:

The bag and its bottom.

I think that worked. Okay, I wrote 'sort of' because I'm leaving the eyelash fringe off the bags. This is the Uptown Tote, a felted bag. I'm making it smaller so that I can make it from only two skeins of Cascade 220. I think they will still be big enough to please to populace.

So that's my first post to my first blog. I do have lots more to say but I don't want to overload my first entry, do I? You'll just have to wait - you see I'm imagining there are people reading this.

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