Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hats Off to Slytherin

The hats are coming along fine now after a practice one where I realized the error of my ways and then changed patterns.

Now I am making 'Hot Head' from Stitch & Bitch, A Knitter's Handbook. Only 64 stitches cast on and knitting with a single strand. The ribbing makes the stitches bunch up so the hats looks ridiculously small but they stretch out nicely to fit any head.

I've finished two and had my family try them on to test them out for size. I got hinted at for hats of their own (and a bag for dd). She said:

"Are you going to make me a bag?"

"No," I said - I had already made her a bag so I wasn't going to.

I said: "I've made all the bags I'm going to make." Just to further cloud the issue, you see.

She put on a pouty face and wrote down knitted hat and bag on the Christmas list she was compiling. Then she wrote something that may change my plans: 'Slytherin'.

In case you don't read them, it's from the Harry Potter books, one of the school houses' colours (the bad one). That means she wants gray and green. She learned to knit garter stitch a while back and made herself a scarf with gray and green yarn.

It's a good thing I liked making those bags and I'm not tired of them yet.

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